River’s Edge Estates is proud to be a FireWise community. We appreciate all of the efforts by Mary Ellen Cates. Research tells us that most homes ignite during a wildfire due to embers or small flames. There are steps that homeowners can take to reduce the risk, with the most important efforts occurring on and immediately around the home. Learn what actions you can take to reduce your risk of loss.

On May 4, 2019, Gilmer County Commissioner Karleen Ferguson and Anthony English, Georgia Wildland Urban Interface Specialist, and River’s Edge Estate’s FireWise leader Mary Ellen Cates gave a presentation of YOUR HOME CAN SURVIVE A WILDFIRE held at the Gilmer County Library. The event was sponsored by Chestatee-Chatahoochee RC &D, Georgia Forestry Commission, and the US Forest Service. This was also Smokey the Bear’s 75th Birthday!

Far left: Gilmer County Commissioner Karleen Ferguson; 3rd from left: Mary Ellen Cates (River’s Edge, Board of Directors), 4th from left Don Findell (River’s Edge Board of Directors); 5th from left David Ratner (River’s Edge HOA President); 2nd from right Charlie Paris (River’s Edge Board of Directors); Far right Anthony English, Georgia Wildland Urban Interface Specialist